How much does it cost to run our pond filtration system?

Studies have shown the powerful effects that owning a pond has on our mental health and wellness, but with households facing a substantial rise in energy bills this winter it’s no wonder that someone wanting to start in the koi hobby might feel worried about the energy cost of running a pond filtration system.

Awareness of how much energy your appliances use in your home is a good starting point.

According to a post published in the ¹Mirror some of your home appliances could cost you as much as £13 a day to use.

Using the right equipment to filter your pond can save you money 

Evolution Aqua filters and pumps have been designed to be efficient and cost effective to run.

For example a typical installation for a 10,000 litre Koi pond using our EazyPod Complete filter and pumps would cost you as little as £0.62 per day to run, ensuring your water is clear for you to enjoy and healthy for your fish to thrive.

Evolution Aqua Filtration - EazyPod Complete

A compact member of the Nexus family, the EazyPod Complete is a mechanical and biological filter system for garden ponds up to 10,000 litres. The EazyPod Complete utilises static K1 Micro, which provides enhanced biological benefits.  

  Filter with UV clarifier built-in: EazyPod Complete = 18 Watts

  Controllable water pump: Varipump 10000 set at 50% = 40 Watts

  Air pump: Airpump 70 Kit = 34 Watts

  Total wattage for entire filtration system = 92 Watts 


Based on today’s data from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, UK price cap, April 2022 electricity rate or 28.00 pence per kWh and using the following online calculator tool92 Watts cost £0.62 per day or £4 a week.


Our 3 Top Tips to Help You Save

1) Air pump:  The model above is based on running the Airpump 70 kit to clean the filter and aerate your pond. But you could make further energy savings by installing a timer for the air stone. 

2) UV light: You can switch off your UV-C in the winter to further reduce your energy cost

3) Water pump: Our range of water pumps lets you adjust the flow to the exact requirement and size of your pond, so you only consume and pay for what you need. They come with a screen, so you can easily monitor and adjust your energy consumption at the touch of a button.



Ingenious design and manufactured in the UK

Our filters are designed to use as little energy as possible are running  optimally when using a relatively low flow rate to capture fines in your pond.

Due to the design, our open cell media provides excellent mechanical and biological filtration without causing back pressure on the pump. 

Our filters are manufactured in our factory in Wigan. They are long-lasting, easy to use and require little maintenance. Unlike more traditional filters, Evolution Aqua filters do not require sponges which can cost you up to £300 to replace.

