Stop Blanketweed

Evolution Aqua Blanketweed is 100% fish, plant and wildlife safe and using it won’t negatively affect any beneficial bacteria or biological filters. It can be used in any ornamental ponds or closed bodies of freshwater and UV clarifiers do not need to be turned off when using it. An all-natural product, the addition of Blanketweed will turn pond water white and cloudy for up to five days, but water will clear. Blanketweed is most effective in ponds with moving water, from a pump, filter, fountain or waterfall, and strong surface agitation, or aeration from an airpump and airstone is recommended.

400g (Treats up to 5,000 litres / 1100 Gallons)

800g (Treats up to 10,000 litres / 2,200 Gallons)

2kg (Treats up to 25,000 litres / 5,500 Gallons)

4kg (Treats up to 50,000 litres / 10,999 Gallons)

EA Blanketweed

Dosage Instructions

  • Calculate your pond volume in litres:
  • (Length (m) x Width (m) x Depth (m) x 1000)
  • Add one scoop of Evolution Aqua Blanketweed powder per 400 litres of pond volume, to a watering can.
  • Fill the watering can with pond water and stir. Sprinkle the solution evenly over the pond surface.
  • Dose Blanketweed as directed and repeat every 14 days as required.

Frequently Asked Questions

ea Blanketweed FAQs
Is Evolution Aqua EA Blanketweed safe to use with wildlife?
Evolution Aqua Blanketweed is 100% fish, plant and wildlife safe and using it won’t negatively affect any beneficial bacteria or biological filters
Should I switch my Ultra Violet Clarfier Off when using EA Blanketweed?
UV clarifiers do not need to be turned off when using Evolution Aqua Blanketweed
Will EA Blanketweed turn my water cloudy?
Evolution Aqua Blanketweed will turn pond water white and cloudy for up to five days, but water will clear.
Do I need a pond filter for EA Blanketweed to work?
Evolution Aqua Blanketweed is most effective in ponds with moving water, from a pump, filter, fountain or waterfall, and strong surface agitation, or aeration from an airpump and airstone is recommended.
Should I remove any blanketweed prior to using EA Blanketweed?
Remove as much blanketweed as possible before dosing the pond with the treatment, after you have added the treatment leave for 5 days before removing as much excess weed as possible. Continue removing the weed frequently until the pond is stabilized and the weed is under control.
I treated my pond with EA Blanketweed but I now need to treat my fish with a medication. How long should I wait before I use another chemical?
Our advice is to leave it 7 days after using one treatment before you use another treatment. And also carry out a partial water change if needed, if the medication may react with the first. Please note, in the case of the EA Blanketweed, for this treatment to be at its most effective the advice is to...
Will water temperature effect the performance of eaBlanketweed?
If water temperature is below 8°, treatment efficiency is reduced. eaBlanketweed will be more effective as temperatures rise
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