Pond FAQs

What volume of water is send to waste in my Eazypod during a cleaning cycle?
Approx 80L of water is send to waste during each cleaning cycle.

Please see the manual for more information.
Too much maintenance, poor clarity, or EazyPod overflowing
Make sure that you haven’t exceeded the maximum flow rate. Please ensure that the EazyPod has gone through a minimum of 2 to 3 cleaning cycles.
Does the UV need to be switched off on my Eazypod during the cleaning cycle?
The UV stays on throughout the process and no harm comes to the UV or the unit.
Why does waste water not drain when the tap on the waste valve assembly is open on my Tempest filter?
The white end cap at the bottom of the filter may be full of waste. It is possible to clear this by switching off the pump and unscrewing the waste valve assembly, allowing you to clear the blockage.
Can the inside of the Tempest filter be cleaned?
The white end caps at the top and bottom of the filter are glued on. It is possible to unscrew the waste valve assembly at the bottom of the filter once the pump is turned off and the filter has been emptied during a cleaning cycle. This will allow you...
What parts come inside the box with the Tempest?
The Tempest arrives pre-filled with 7 litres of K+Media. You also receive the waste valve assembly, which simple screws onto the bottom of the filter, two slide valves and connection pipes which must be fitted using solvent weld adhesive to the inlet...
What is the maximum flow rate of the K+Advanced Filters?
The maximum flow is dictated by the pond size, there is no maximum flow rate specified, however we advise optimum flow rates.
Above normal or excessive force is needed to operate the multi-port valve of my K+ Advanced Filter
Scoring or jamming with foreign matter or debris. If this condition persists after rinsing, disassemble the valve to clear. Continued operation may result in leaking due to damage to the multi-port valve (spider gasket). See dealer or installer.
What kind of filter is works best with the Cetus Sieve?
The Cetus Sieve is suitable for use with both pressurised filters such as the K+Advanced Filter, and non-pressurised filters such as the...
Does the Cetus Sieve need to be installed above the water level?
If the Cetus Sieve is installed on a gravity fed system it will need to be level with the surface of the pond (please refer to the manual). If the Cetus Sieve is installed on a pump-fed system it will need to be above the surface of the pond, if not ...
What does an evoUV do?
UV Clarifiers clear green water which is caused by single celled green algae and prevent it from returning.
Where do I install the evoUV?
Usually the UVC will be the first piece of equipment after the circulation pump. On a pump fed filtration system this means the UVC will be installed before the pond filter, and on a gravity fed filter after the circulation pump that returns the water...
What is the length of the power cable on an evoUV?
The length of the power cable for UK models is 2.2metres.
Do evouv's come with bulbs?
Yes, bulbs and quartz sleeves are included in the box when you purchase an evoUV
Are the bulbs and quartz sleeves pre-fitted on an evoUV?
What size evoUV do I need for my pond?
For help choosing the correct UV that is suitable for your pond. Please see the table below.

How do I change the T8 Sockets and Black End Caps?
Watch the step by step video below to learn how to change the T8 Sockets and Black End Caps on an evoUV.

The Same process would follow for both old and new versions of our evoUV's
Does the Varipump come supplied with a plug?
Are Varipumps self-priming?
No it is not self-priming. It will need to be placed below the water level.
Should I store my varipump in winter?
If there is a chance that the water will freeze over and restrict the flow, then you should take it out of the pond and dry it out. Store it over winter in a dry place, then reconnect the pump again in spring.
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