Our last shipping day for online orders will be Wednesday 18th December, 2024 by 12:30. Orders placed after that will be dispatched from Wednesday 8th January 2025.

How much media does NexusPlus have/need?

The Nexus 220+ comes with 18 litres of K1 Micro in the Eazy (inner chamber,) and 50 litres of K+Media in the outer chamber.

The Nexus 320+ comes with 20 litres of K1 Micro in the Eazy (inner chamber,) and 100 litres of K+Media in the outer chamber.

For older models, the 300 and 310 contained 40 litres of K1 in the Eazy, and 30 litres for the 200 and 210.

Don’t change the amount of media in the Eazy as this affects particle capture, and ease of cleaning. The amount of media in the outer chamber can be increased however by up to 150 litres in total in the 220 and 300 litres in the 320 models.

Only increase the amount of media in the outer chambers for heavy stocking and heavy feeding. Note that if the total volume of media is increased in a newly set up filter it will take longer to mature, as there is more surface area for bacteria to colonise and the biofilm will be more thinly spread.

Media can be purchased from your Evolution Aqua dealer.

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